Make our workplace healthier through one small change

Employers can play an important role in employees’ risk for Type 2 diabetes, by improving the overall health of the workforce and lowering costs associated with the disease. Consider implementing these strategies that promote a healthy workplace and reduce risk factors:

  • Educate employees. Because 29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes (8.1 million of whom may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition), education is a crucial first step. Employers can use free, valuable tools and resources from the Together 2 Goal® campaign and our partners to share with employees to learn the basics about diabetes. Consider hosting an all staff lunch or meeting to share this information with colleagues.

  • Support healthy eating – and drinking. Stock office vending machines and refrigerators with healthy beverages, low-sodium snacks and fresh, healthy foods. And be sure to feature non-alcoholic options at office happy hours, as more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men can raise blood pressure.

  • Provide support. Together 2 Goal® provides a host of resources for those with diabetes or those that may be supporting someone who does.  Ensure that employees are referred to these resources to learn more and have the support they need.

  • Encourage movement. Sitting less and moving more is one way to create a healthy workplace. Offer a section of standing or treadmill desks that employees can use and, when possible, turn small group meetings into walking meetings if location and weather allow.